The Casinos are ensured their winnings because the games are operated on a cash-on-the-barrel basis. The Casinos set the rules, and the players agree to those rules when they change their money, spin the wheel, roll the dice, or ante up. The key to this contract of luck is the consistent application of agreed-upon rules and both sides honoring their debts. The concept has existed for hundreds of years and is understood across the globe. They give the Casino their hard-earned money for a chance to win more money. “Every day, hundreds of thousands of people enter Defendants’ Casinos and gamble. Young claims this has been going on since September of 2012.
He says by rounding down, this kept more money in the pockets of the casino rather than winning customers. The plaintiff, Mike Young, says essentially, Caesars Entertainment, which owns Horseshoe Casino and Hotel in Bossier City, took millions of dollars from customers by rounding down on electronic slot machine receipts. The lawsuit states the company “short-changed” customers by refusing to refund cash change. (KSLA) - A lawsuit has been filed against Caesars Entertainment.